week 2: de la Parra's Mama Blanca's Memoirs

Dynamics of perception, both of self and others, is an idea that stood out to me while reading Teresa de la Parra’s “Mama Blanca’s Memoirs”. I view the concept of identity as being explored through and defined by what a person is not. The dichotomous identities exemplified in the novel’s social hierarchies communicate an ‘us’ and ‘them’ point of view, a socially constructed way of moving through life. The life of Blanca and her sense of self demonstrates how people change over time, moving through the transitions of life and circumstance.  

This is quite an out of pocket connection, I recently went to the King Tut immersive exhibit down at the convention centre. One part in particular from the exhibition really stayed with me, and it was mentioned while a chronological order of events was being played (in order to give context to what else is about to be explained about the young king’s history). I do not recall if it is known why King Tut’s reign was erased from all records, but for whatever reason his reign was concealed, this was seemingly to take away any power he once held. Meaning that, if his name was to never be spoken again, did he ever have any power at all. When they found his tomb and all the excavations that followed, this in fact did solidify his place in history and the power the young king holds forever. 

Blanca seemingly intended for her name and memories to be lost to history, however in a similar fashion to King Tut, her life and memories are now cemented in "history" forever. The obvious difference being the young king presumably thought he would have a legacy and Blanca did not. 

My question for discussion, what are your thoughts on the idea that all power is lost if your name is lost to history, is power only eternal as long as your name remains in the consciousness of those living in the present?


  1. Amazing blogpost and incredibly sophisticated reflection! Your point on "dichotomous identities" was very interesting. Mama Blanca's memoirs were certainly written from Mama Blanca's point of view, which we cannot say was the "right" point of view". Specifically on her descriptions of the mill as "heaven", the labourers of the mills would definitely feel different. To answer your question, I don't think power is lost even though your name is lost from history. In a deeper level, we need to define what "power" means to answer this question; however, the meaning of "power" probably differs between every different individual. For me, at least, there is no such thing as eternal power. Even for King Tut, what's the point of having one's name cemented in history forever if that individual isn't alive to realize - and experience - it? Anyways, this brought me lots of thoughts. Thank you!!!
    - Daniel Choi

    1. Hi! I enjoyed reading your post and the connections you made. I agree, there was a very clear defined hierarchy that could be seen throughout the memoirs. As for you connection, I think it is interesting you mention how Mama Blanca intended for her name to be lost in history as she had no intention of this being published, yet we are here discussing her in a university class. It shows that we do not really have any control over what makes history and what doesn't. For you question, I do not believe the name has to live on forever in order for the power to remain eternal. I am sure all throughout history there have been extremely powerful figures who have impacted our lives in ways we will never even know, yet things they did were so powerful they stay with us for generations to come. On the other hand, I am not sure any power is eternal, even if the name stays relevant forever. There will always be something more powerful coming along in the future, and the definition of power is so subjective, it is hard to define is power can be eternal. Thank you for your post!

  2. Hi Katherine! What an intriguing view on Mama Blanca, I definitely agree with you on the way that Mama Blanca changes throughout time, even by changing her name from Blanca Nieve to Mama Blanca she seems to separate one part of her life from another, as the way that we use names can be very powerful. Maybe Mama Blanca wanted to separate her younger youthful happy days from the more restrained and responsibility loaded adulthood? I also really like your discussion question, for me, I think that even though our names might be forgotten with time, our impact on the people we interact with and even our physical presence with which we shape our physical reality cannot be forgotten.

  3. Hello! I loved your comment and your reflection on power and memories from someone once that person is gone. I have always thought that if someone doesn't do something remarkable during their life, sadly, generation after generation they will be forgotten. It could be like they never existed. However, although our names and images are forgotten, the experiences we had with other people and the impact we had on them is something that remains.


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